I migrated my app from IAD to MIA. MIA machine is working as expected but something happened when I tried to destroy the machine in IAD. fly deploy can no longer find it but it is listed as a machine in Replacing state.
I have tried to destroy/restart you name it, but it gets stuck in acquiring lease and debug shows that the reasons is I’m getting 404 for the machine.
Problem is fly deploy keeps trying and I can’t successfuly deploy because of this machine in IAD.
DEBUG --> POST https://api.machines.dev/v1/apps/news-autobot/machines/90801edeb07538/lease?ttl=13
DEBUG <-- 201 https://api.machines.dev/v1/apps/news-autobot/machines/90801edeb07538/lease?ttl=13 (17.12ms)
⠧ [2/2] Acquiring lease for 080e6e9c054e68
"status": "success",
"data": {
"nonce": "809eb77587cc",
"expires_at": 1725828090,
"owner": "icc@avalonbits.com",
"description": "",
"version": "01J79M8ZWYT36SPZXHVV5X1NEP"
DEBUG got lease on machine 90801edeb07538: &{success 0xc001323dc0 }
DEBUG --> POST https://api.machines.dev/v1/apps/news-autobot/machines/080e6e9c054e68/lease?ttl=13000000000
DEBUG <-- 404 https://api.machines.dev/v1/apps/news-autobot/machines/080e6e9c054e68/lease?ttl=13000000000 (47.28ms)
DEBUG {] Acquired lease for 90801edeb07538
"status": "error",ease for 080e6e9c054e68
"message": "machine not found"