Machine Unable to start

2023-05-29T14:08:44.553 proxy[6e82945b776487] yyz [info] Starting machine

2023-05-29T14:08:44.554 proxy[6e82945b776487] yyz [error] machines API returned an error: “machine ID 6e82945b776487 lease currently held by, expires at 2023-05-29T14:08:56Z”

2023-05-29T14:08:44.712 proxy[6e82945b776487] yyz [info] Starting machine

2023-05-29T14:08:44.713 proxy[6e82945b776487] yyz [error] machines API returned an error: “machine ID 6e82945b776487 lease currently held by, expires at 2023-05-29T14:08:56Z”

Leases are there to prevent racing updates to a machine’s state. You can view what or who currently holds a lease against a machine using:

  • fly machine lease view <machine-id> --app <app-name>

Failed deploy processes might leave behind uncleared leases, you can clear those with the following:

  • fly machine lease clear <machine-id> --app <app-name>

Note: make sure a user is actually holding the lease and not a platform component like fly-proxy

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