Deploy stopped after a couple instances

Here’s my current fly status output:

kcd at: 16:19:08

  Name     = kcd          
  Owner    = personal     
  Version  = 341          
  Status   = running      
  Hostname =  
  Platform = nomad        

b496218a	app    	342    	hkg   	run    	running	2 total, 2 passing	0       	21m32s ago	
16def4b8	app    	342    	den   	run    	running	2 total, 2 passing	0       	21m32s ago	
e87c9dcb	app    	342    	ams   	run    	running	2 total, 2 passing	0       	21m32s ago	
f1f0c5dc	app    	342    	iad   	run    	running	2 total, 2 passing	0       	21m32s ago	
816f595b	app    	342    	gru   	run    	running	2 total, 2 passing	0       	48m29s ago	
24b7eb95	app    	339    	den   	run    	running	2 total, 2 passing	0       	54m53s ago	
00bdcb2d	app    	339    	syd   	run    	running	2 total, 2 passing	0       	55m53s ago	
6c0a0b6a	app    	339    	sjc   	run    	running	2 total, 2 passing	0       	56m31s ago	

Seems odd that the last three instances are running an old version and it doesn’t appear that anything is pushing them along to the latest version of the app. What’s up?

For some reason, this is having problems starting a VM with your volume in maa. We’re looking at it.

Our apps v2 migrator doesn’t support apps with volumes just yet, but I think your deploys will get a lot better once your app gets converted.

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Thanks. I just noticed the last deploy actually didn’t complete and they are technically running the same version of the app (the ones that were rolling out are on a rollback version). I’m deploying again now.

EDIT: That deploy failed. I’ve always had issues in maa so I think I’ll just remove that one entirely and try again.

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