$ fly machine clone 3d8d1ddbe43e89 --attach-volume vol_3q80vd3jdoxrgzy6
Cloning machine 3d8d1ddbe43e89 into region jnb
Attaching existing volume vol_3q80vd3jdoxrgzy6
Provisioning a new machine with image registry.fly.io/opentax:deployment-01H3YBJFVKAR5P6STJBRWEATDM@sha256:f9c95037172d467283006870c5bfe1e5e82f0abca2857df4a5024de898222bf4...
Error: failed to launch VM: aborted: could not reserve resource for machine: insufficient memory available to fulfill request
app is currently down and no way to access data without creating a new machine, so blocked.