Continuously waiting for depot builder

Hi, I am trying to build from last 1 hour, i tried reseting the builder cache as well but nothing seems to be working, looks like there is no space left in builder for BOM region.

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: failed to create volume: no capacity available in bom (Request ID: 01JK3MB0DPZZR9S4J5241Z3PE5-bom) (Trace ID: faa596c2b1d51f36f002620bbe2ed6fa)

you can try and spin up a builder in a different region (replace reg with a region of your choice) FLY_REMOTE_BUILDER_REGION=reg fly deploy

you might or might not have to delete your existing builder first

@mabis how can i delete builder ?

it’s an app like all the others, either from the dashboard under App builders or fly apps list and the fly app destroy app-builder-name

@mabis i don’t see the builder in apps list and if i manually execute by checking the name in dashboard it says Could not find App

then you don’t have an existing builder… is this the first time ever you try to deploy? regardless you can try now specifying a different region for the builder

@mabis i have been deploying from past few months, and i was seeing 1 builder in dashboard and now its showing two under App Builders

what I wrote about deleting builders might be true only for the old builders and not the depot ones. In any case have you tried the main suggestion to specify a different region?

@mabis i tried different things and my issue got resolved but the only concern i have is now its showing two builders and might get charged for both of them

there is currently no charge for builders but contact Fly if you are concerned

@mabis thanks