I have an app deployed on Fly and its able to connect to a Fly Postgres DB.
From my laptop, I can run
fly proxy 5555:5432 -a foody-v2-db
and then connect via psql
using a a URI like so:
psql postgres://foody_v2:xxxxxxx@localhost:5555/foody_v2
psql (14.11 (Homebrew), server 15.6 (Debian 15.6-1.pgdg120+2))
WARNING: psql major version 14, server major version 15.
Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.
If I try to connect through my application (Rust, using loco.rs) locally, using the same URI in DATABASE_URL
I get timeout errors:
DATABASE_URL='postgres://foody_v2:xxxxxx@localhost:5555/foody_v2' cargo run -- task -e production create_user name:Foo email:some@example.com password:abc123
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.31s
Running `target/debug/foody-cli task -e production create_user 'name:Foo' 'email:some@example.com' 'password:abc123'`
2024-04-16T21:07:11.867024Z INFO app: loco_rs::config: loading environment from selected_path="config/production.yaml" environment=production
Error: Connection Error: pool timed out while waiting for an open connection
Caused by:
0: pool timed out while waiting for an open connection
1: pool timed out while waiting for an open connection
originally also refused using the URL, but I was able to decompose it into individual parameters and then it works?
The password I’ve been using is from `$OPERATOR_PASSWORD.