I’ve got a front end application running on Fly. My DNS provider is Namecheap. I’ve got a custom domain and am trying to link the two. I’ve tried to add the CNAME record provided by Fly to Namecheap, which didn’t work. I’ve also generated a certificate through flyctl and an IPv6 and added the IP and IPv6 through A and AAAA records respectively, which also didn’t work. What should I be trying?
Have you tried searching Namecheap here? There’s been a few solved thread similar to your issue.
Once you create a certificate in your app in the fly.io dashboard, you can choose either the A and AAAA, or CNAME records to set in Namecheap. Then you must also add the _acme-challenge CNAME record to Namecheap.
If it’s an apex domain (like example.com) you may need to use the A and AAAA since you can’t technically do a CNAME.
And depending on whether you had previous records pointing somewhere else, high TTLs or only just registered the domain it could take 24-48 hours for fly to see the DNS changes. That’s just a quirk of DNS, nothing to do with Fly.
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