Clearing your builder cache from the Fly dashboard

You can now reset your Depot app builder machine and cache from the Fly dashboard.

Use this if you ran out of cache space and need to clear it. Or, use it if you want your builder to start in another region (by deploying from that region).

Now we have Depot builders in the dashboard, we’ll start looking at features like:

  • Increasing build cache size
  • Inceasing builder machine size
  • Choosing the builder region explicitly

Thanks for your time!


yippie! billy would be pleased!

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@joshua-fly I think that reset button is broken, clicking it doesn’t trigger any requests or do anything. Can I clear it from the CLI somehow?

We’ll add CLI support soon. But, are you not observing that your cache gets cleared?

This screen is a Phoenix Liveview, so button presses send a websocket message instead a traditional HTTP post. If you look for a websocket connection in your dev tools network tab, you’ll see messages being passed over.

Also, I’m taking this post as constructive feedback about the UI. It does feel like nothing is happening with no feedback from the button click.

Yup you would be correct! There definitely is a WS event sent!

Looks like it is working but ya no user feedback which would be nice.

This confused me too, it seems to works but there is no feedback. Some sort of “Builder reset successfully” message would be appreciated. Thanks.