Clarification on $5.00 Trial in Hobby Plan: One-time Use or Monthly Renewal?

I noticed a $5.00 Trial option in the hobby plan today. Does this mean it can only be used once, unlike before? Does the $5 renew every month, or is it a one-time trial?



Hey @velvet413,

I noticed a $5.00 Trial option in the hobby plan today. Does this mean it can only be used once, unlike before? Does the $5 renew every month, or is it a one-time trial?

Good question. The “$5 Trial credit” is a one time credit to try out Fly and does not renew.

The “before” that you’re referencing is our legacy Hobby plan, which I’m afraid is no longer available to new signups at this time. To clarify, there isn’t a $5 credit system in the legacy Hobby plan, but rather there are some free allowance limits that apply before we start counting usage.

More details about both of those things are in our pricing page: Resource Pricing · Fly Docs

This is also an indicator to us that some more clarification might be needed in our UI to clear up any confusion. I’ll be bringing it up with our team and we’ll see what we can do moving forward.

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