Cert DNS not updating

I’ve added certs for my frontend and api applications:


The frontend application is working just fine, but the cert for the api is still showing as not verified for both ECDS and RSA despite the appropriate records being shown via dns lookup. It seems like something is stuck.

what is the domain or app name? I can take a look. feel free to email myname at fly.io if you’d prefer not to post publicly

Shot you an email!

your domain looks set up correctly. could you try running fly certs check to see if that fixes it? sometimes our API thinks the domain is not originally set up correctly and then takes a long time to recheck, and that command gets it to try again immediately.

This is the result:

The certificate for [redacted] has not been issued yet.

Hostname                  = [redacted]
DNS Provider              = cloudflare
Certificate Authority     = Let's Encrypt
Issued                    =
Added to App              = 7 hours ago
Source                    = fly

Your certificate for [redacted] is being issued. Status is Awaiting certificates. Make sure to create another certificate for www.[redacted] when the current certificate is issued.

it’s issued correctly now (sorry I missed your earlier message, I don’t have a good solution for notifications on the forum/email right now). it might be that it takes a bit after a fly certs check until the certificate is fully provisioned - I’m pretty sure that’s what “awaiting certificate means”. I hope to improve the UX of certificate provisioning at some point in the future.

Working great now! Thanks!