Can't create supabase - error "createAddOn Unknown extension provider error"

I had one Supabase created earlier for the dev organization.

New organization for production deployment, recently created. Credit card attached, validated, i was able to create some other stuff (Redis, Storage, etc).

When attempting to create Supabase via “flyctl ext supabase create --org my-new-prd-org”, getting errors Error: input:3: createAddOn Unknown extension provider error

flyctl v0.3.69 (auto-updated)

Any suggestions?


Hi… As just a quick pointer, in case you haven’t seen it yet, the docs were updated yesterday to remove Fly Supabase:

Supabase Managed Postgres on infrastructure is no longer available. If you’re interested in using Supabase Postgres, please see their official documentation.

Existing databases will continue to work and be supported by Supabase.

The January newsletter from goes into more of their history and reasoning.

It looks like your newer fly ext supabase create attempt may have fallen during a decommissioning phase in the backend—but before all this was actually announced.

Hope this helps a little!

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I see the PR to remove the now retired “supabase create” from flyctl was merged only yesterday therefore up to the latest v.0.3.72 released 2 days ago the command still exists in the released cli (but clearly not anymore behind the scenes)

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Thanks a lot. This solves it, and I received pretty much the same answer from support team.

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