Hello, after following the hands-on instructions I was able to deploy the sample service on https://polished-frost-1002.fly.dev/ (from windows).
Now I want to ssh to that server. First I hagve tried the fly ssh establish
and got the following output:
C:\progr\html\test-fly>fly ssh establish
Automatically selected personal organization: Serafeim Papastefanos
Establishing SSH CA cert for organization personal
Error establish key failed: key exists and override not set
I had also run this yesterday for another test so I guess it should be fine.
Now I try to run fly ssh console
and get the following output:
C:\progr\html\test-fly>fly ssh console
wg connect fdaa:0:358f::3 lhr1.gateway.6pn.dev:51820 fdaa:0:358f:a7b:dc6:0:a:0 fdaa:0:358f::
Connecting to tunnel ⣾
This just hands in there playing the funny ⣯
animation. Is it actually possible connect to the deployed instace from windows?