Broken my fly ssh console command

Not quite sure how I’ve done this but I appear to have broken my fly ssh console command:

$ fly ssh console
Connecting to tunnel ⣷ Error tunnel unavailable: failed probing "vodon": context deadline exceeded

I’ve tried starting the agent and adding the key again:

$ eval `ssh-agent`
Agent pid 6113
$ fly ssh issue vodon --agent
Populated agent with cert: REDACTED
$ fly ssh console
Connecting to tunnel ⣷ Error tunnel unavailable: failed probing "vodon": context deadline exceeded

The main change is that I’ve enabled IPv6 on my home router now. Could that have something to do with it?


Assuming you are on the latest version of the CLI, you could try
fly doctor
… and see what that says.

Given that ... failed probing "name": context deadline exceeded error, that sounds like an error other people have had (in their case when deploying, but I assume it affects all commands).

Maybe take a look at this (it’s a long thread). Maybe the IPv6 affects the peer or how the innards work:

Fly doctor reports much the same:

$ fly doctor

TEST            STATUS
Agent           PASS
Docker (local)  PASS
Probe (app)     failed probing vodon: failed probing "vodon": context deadline exceeded
Token           PASS
Unix socket     PASS

I’ll have a poke around that topic

Hmm, I am using fly under the WSL2 subsystem on Windows.

Try running fly wg status, and then select the organization and peer you’re using (you can see the peer in ~/fly/config.yml). You should see something like this:

➜  ~ fly wg status
? Select organization: Kurt (personal)
? Select peer: interactive-Kurts-MacBook-Pro-kurt-fly-io-458
Alive: true
Last Source Address:
Installed On Gateway At: 2022-01-22T17:42:21Z
Traffic: rx:2064391728 tx:86009584

If that looks weird, run:

fly agent stop

Then edit ~/fly/config.yml to remove the peer block entirely. It’ll create a new one.

Hi, try scaling app to higher memory