Assuming you are on the latest version of the CLI, you could try fly doctor
… and see what that says.
Given that ... failed probing "name": context deadline exceeded error, that sounds like an error other people have had (in their case when deploying, but I assume it affects all commands).
Maybe take a look at this (it’s a long thread). Maybe the IPv6 affects the peer or how the innards work:
Try running fly wg status, and then select the organization and peer you’re using (you can see the peer in ~/fly/config.yml). You should see something like this:
➜ ~ fly wg status
? Select organization: Kurt (personal)
? Select peer: interactive-Kurts-MacBook-Pro-kurt-fly-io-458
Alive: true
Last Source Address:
Installed On Gateway At: 2022-01-22T17:42:21Z
Traffic: rx:2064391728 tx:86009584
If that looks weird, run:
fly agent stop
Then edit ~/fly/config.yml to remove the peer block entirely. It’ll create a new one.