Not sure if this is a temporary error or not as 60 was the previous setting, but it has been 40 minutes which seems on the long side. It should be a hardlimit of 160 as per the config uploaded.
This instance was deployed a while ago.
d37d7926 app 105 mia run running 1 total, 1 passing 0 43m20s ago
2022-08-08T18:40:46Z proxy[d37d7926] mia [warn]Instance reached connections hard limit of 60
2022-08-08T18:40:46Z proxy[d37d7926] mia [warn]Instance reached connections hard limit of 60
2022-08-08T18:47:32Z proxy[d37d7926] mia [warn]Instance reached connections hard limit of 60
$ fly autoscale show
Scale Mode: Balanced
Min Count: 3
Max Count: 6
$ fly config display
"env": {},
"experimental": {
"allowed_public_ports": [],
"cmd": [],
"entrypoint": [],
"exec": []
"kill_signal": "SIGINT",
"kill_timeout": 5,
"processes": [],
"services": [
"concurrency": {
"hard_limit": 160,
"soft_limit": 100,
"type": "connections"
"http_checks": [],
"internal_port": 4000,
"ports": [
"force_https": true,
"handlers": [
"port": 80
"handlers": [
"port": 443
"processes": [],
"protocol": "tcp",
"script_checks": [],
"tcp_checks": [
"grace_period": "1s",
"interval": "15s",
"restart_limit": 25,
"timeout": "2s"