Are 'Startup Scripts' in .fly/scripts for general use?

The Fly Laravel docs (Customizing Deployments · Fly Docs) say:

The fly launch command generated a .fly/scripts directory. Any file in here ending in .sh will run (via bash ) anytime your application is started.

When I run fly launch in a non-Laravel project, I don’t get a .fly/scripts directory.

Is .fly/scripts a recommended and usable feature for all apps?

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Hi @keybits

This is a customization for laravel, but you could easily copy the files and get the same functionality for your app.

There’s no special integration with the fly CLI, it’s simply a bunch of shell scripts that get executed by setting the dockerfile entrypoint to be the entrypoint script.

You’ll probably need to modify the entrypoint script to use the appropriate directories for your app as the directories specified are for laravel.


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