dockerfile-laravel: Now uses Ubuntu:22.0.4 as base image!

Hello everyone, and a shoutout to the Laravel Fly community! :wave:

The fly-apps/dockerfile-laravel package has been updated to use the upstream image Ubuntu 22.0.4!

For Context:

flyctl launch currently uses the fly-apps/dockerfile-laravel package to generate a default Dockerfile when deploying Laravel apps to Previously, it generated a Dockerfile that uses the fideloper/fly-laravel image as its base image. This image in turn is maintained from the fly-apps/laravel-docker repository.

And now, an update has been rolled out under the fly-apps/dockerfile-laravel 1.0.6 version, that uses the upstream image ubuntu:22.0.4 as base image, while still providing the Dockerfile logic provided by fideloper/fly-laravel!

What changed?

With the aim of introducing as little side effects as possible, we’ve ported fideloper/fly-laravel’s logic over to fly-apps/dockerfile-laravel, as it already uses an upstream base image, ubuntu:22.0.4. This change means: merging its Dockerfile contents with the final Dockerfile generated and porting over all necessary config files.

But, why the change?

This change will not only provide users more freedom with their app’s server configuration files, but also allow the Dockerfile generated for Laravel apps to conform with how other Dockerfiles are generated for other Frameworks at using an upstream image as their base image.

How does this affect me, a user using the default Dockerfile generated for my Laravel Fly app?

Well! That’s a good question! The side effects should be zero-to-none to any of your current Laravel Fly apps’ setups.( If there are please, please do get our attention by dropping a comment here; an email or a separate laravel-tagged-post are fine too! )

On the other hand, when it comes to what you can now do, well! Now, you can do, a bit more:

:one: See, this change provides users full control over a vast array of config files, deposited and available in a generated .fly directory in your project.

:two: Further, this change uses an upstream base image, allowing you, the user, to apply distro and PPA patches by yourself, without having to wait for our custom image to be updated to conform with its patches. This ability to apply patches, and immediately re-deploy your Fly apps is vital to address possible zero-day CVEs.

Any comments, questions, or suggestions? Drop some below!

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Amazing. Thank you very much. Now Docker is really production ready!

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Thank you for your insight, and welcome to @su1ey!

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