I have deployed a SpringBoot app via Docker. However trying to access the fly.dev address fails with the message “DNS address could not be found”.
With Heroku you pretty much just deploy the app and it’s available.
Is there an extra step that I need to perform? The app is set to run with 256MB of memory.
When I check the logs with fly logs I can see that the app started correctly.
For the record the app is a simple Strava Oauth2 front end with no database.
Here’s the fly.toml file:
app = '<<redacted>>'
primary_region = 'mad'
dockerfile = 'Dockerfile'
internal_port = 8080
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
type = 'requests'
hard_limit = 250
soft_limit = 200
size = 'shared-cpu-1x'
And here’s the Docker file:
FROM amazoncorretto:17
ADD target/<<appname>>-0.0.1.jar /home/server.jar
CMD java -XX:MaxRAM=128m -jar /home/server.jar