503/502 on all my apps since 10 min already

I am getting a super slow response followed by a 502/503 on both of my apps. Checked https://status.flyio.net/ but no outage is reported there.

Its like the request doesnt reach my code and its stuck in a fly proxy somewhere.

Can anyone help from Fly.io?

@fideloper-fly @kurt

The Consul Health Checks are passing and I can see them in the logs in the Monitoring menu, but from the outside no one can access my apps @fideloper-fly @kurt

We’re looking into it, your app is one of our new hosts and it looks like the host might have a configuration issue.

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We’ve drained the host for now, your app should now be accessible.

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It is, thank you so much!

Hi @jerome I’ve started seeing similar behaviour on one of my apps as of about 30 mins ago. The health checks seem fine but I’m getting a very slow response, ultimately resulting in a 502 when I try to access it in a browser. Do you think this is caused by the same issue?

Should now be fixed. Sorry about that.

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Also seeing this on my host after a recent deploy. Here is the result of fly logs:

2022-11-02T15:55:55Z proxy[426351d7] ams [error]Error: error while making HTTP request to app: connection closed before message completed
2022-11-02T15:56:33Z proxy[426351d7] yyz [error]Error: error while making HTTP request to app: connection closed before message completed

The error makes it look like an app error, but this app has been stable for ages and fly restart fixed it. Was slowly returning 502s in the meantime.
