Your name is a link is turned into a link by the forum software. Every “” in a post, each time someone mentions by the name you use in the documentation:

Also, Discourse shows a helpful hint telling me somebody else has already mentioned a link to in a previous reply in a thread. Which covers the preview, preventing me from seeing if all my mentions of homepage are properly linked to http(no s BTW)://

I know it looks like a link, and it is a domain, but every mention of on the forum being bright blue seems a bit over the top. It’s not linkified everywhere in the docs :slight_smile:

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Yeah… This is just the default Discourse being stubborn, like you said. doesn’t spend a lot of time polishing their nitty forum details, basically. (I think it would be nice if there were many more tags, for example. E.g., for egress IP.)

I have a special super-power that allows me to disable it in my own posts, though:

The power of ampersand! Away!!

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