Vapor on volumes problem


Im trying to seed my database with data from volume. Im sure that the file exist on volume because I made:

fly ssh console and cut my file and it prints everything.
Also I have added

  source = "storage_dir"
  destination = "/storage"

to my fly.toml file. And im trying to get to my file by absolute path let path = “/storage/ppla_formatted.json”

also I have added all permissions to file chmod 777 but this also didn’t help.

No im stuck :wink: Maybe someone had similar issue? or maybe it is because im using swift and vapor but I don’t won’t to use for now something else.

Have a nice day :wink:

Hi… It sounds like you might unknowingly have two machines, in which case each would inherently have an independent and unsynchronized volume.

(Two is the generic platform default, to avoid data loss when a physical host machine fails, :fried_egg:—among other surprises.)

What does fly m list show?

Aside: It’s best to avoid using volumes directly, if you can, since they are more of an advanced (or at least intermediate-level) feature on the platform. If you just need key-value storage, for example, then Tigris is much easier.

(On the other hand, if you only require a single, read-only file, then you can separately place it manually on each volume, via --select.)

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Sorry i forgot to mention that I have removed the second volume.

I will try with —select

I have json file with my data and I want to populate my database with it. Maybe there is some better way but I don’t know it.

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