Using FLYCTL for barebones setup

Hope everyone using FLY.IO is doing well. So far I spun up an instance and cloned Uptime Kuma from github, and love the service uptime and response. Nice to run a few commands and have everything setup.

I think FLY.IO is an amazing product.

I was wanting to spin up another instance that was purely a bare bones Debian install. Tried searching the help docs and came across this:

Is there a way to spin up a server that is not temporary or will be destroyed upon exit?

I was hoping to install YunoHost:

curl | bash

This is a series of install scripts for Debian; and wondering if FLY.IO would also allow to spin this up?

Hi @gawlinski

Effectively these are the steps you want to take:

  • Create a new app
  • If your app needs to persist data between reboots, create a volume as well
  • Create a Dockerfile with Debian base image then add those custom commands to install YunoHost.
  • Run a deployment using the newly created Dockerfile
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Hi @charsleysa I appreciate your response.

I tried to do a search on creating a dockerfile. This seems pretty involved and was hoping for something a bit more simple. Is there a template or base Docker file example I could use to get Yunohost up and running?

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