Currently, I have a fastify app hosted on fly. I wish to add a custom domain to it, but after adding it, I’ve discovered that the site cannot be reached but was available previously with the
After some debugging I found out that what’s causing it was ipv4 and ipv6 not connecting to my service. The strange thing is my service is still reachable from the provided
domain. This is a code snippet where I configure my fastify app.
const app = fastify({
logger: true,
const PORT = parseInt(process.env.PORT || '4000', 10);
const HOST = PORT === 4000 ? '' : '::';
app.listen({ port: PORT, host: HOST }).then((address) => {
console.log(`✨ server listening on ${address}`);
What are the DNS records you added?
EDIT: Also, which port are you listening on? It looks like that code will listen on localhost if the port is 4000? I wonder if local ports are accessible.
For the DNS I followed what is instructed when adding the domain, A record for ipv4 and AAAA record for ipv6 as well as the acme challenge record. However, I doubt the problem is related to DNS resolver, I was able to get the IP from the custom domain but the service is not responding.
The app will listen to which ever the PORT env variable is, I believe it is set to 8080 (default configuration).
No luck, I tried redeploying another fastify app with simpler setup, still having the same issue. I remember I didn’t have this problem with Go apps.
Hm, I wonder if it’s TLS related.
I set up an app to test with:
Source: Bheesham Persaud / bhee-fast · GitLab dev:
What I noticed was before I added a certificate for my domain the requests would fail:
🐡> curl
curl: (35) error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading
And now that I’ve added a certificate:
🐡> curl
Yes, can confirm this issue, looks like the app will only respond if requested through https. I was accessing the ipv4 and ipv6 directly though http, thus not receiving any response.
However, after setting up certificate correctly, I’m able to get a response from my custom domain. It’s weird however, because if an app is hosted on a server, I would expect it to respond to the request regardless of the protocol.
Thanks @bheesham for helping me with the issue.
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A quick fix (a workaround, rather) is to set force_https=true
in the app’s fly.toml
against the handler entry: New Feature: Automatic HTTPS redirects
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