Hi, I’m trying deploy node project (using fastify v4)
I already run flyctl launch. Deploy successfull.
But I cannot reach the web when I hit the endpoint. There is no clue on the logs.
Need help.
Hi, I’m trying deploy node project (using fastify v4)
I already run flyctl launch. Deploy successfull.
But I cannot reach the web when I hit the endpoint. There is no clue on the logs.
Need help.
I got a sample Fastify app (v3, but not sure what would have changed to break it) working. Maybe take a look to see what differs (e.g Dockerfile, server.js and fly.toml)?
I wonder if it’s the ::1
This was my listen line which worked:
try {
await fastify.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, '::')
} catch (err) {
Hi, Greg.
Thank you, it’s works!
Something wrong on my Dockerfile, thanks for the help!