I’ve been struggling to connect a local Livebook Desktop smart cell to my production application.
Similar to this thread I can connect via IEx to the production application but when I attempt to connect the smart cell I get:
** (ErlangError) Erlang error: {:erpc, :noconnection}
(kernel 9.1) erpc.erl:710: :erpc.call/5
(kino 0.12.2) lib/kino/rpc.ex:103: Kino.RPC.__remote_eval_string__/4
#cell:luicqpvlvamzdhip:5: (file)
When trying to connect the entire runtime I get:
Node :"<app-name>@<private-ip>" is unreachable
The linked thread mentioned something about naming conventions but I did not see any mention of that in the current documentation so I am a little stumped as it appears my wireguard is set up correctly and I have all the correct information.
Any help would be appreciated