Local Livebook connection to production app

I have a production app which I can connect to via iex

> iex --name <app-name>@<private-ip> --cookie <cookie>

But when I try and connect using the same credentials via Livebook started via: ERL_AFLAGS="-proto_dist inet6_tcp" livebook server --name livebook@

running locally I get

Node :"<app-name>@<private-ip>" is unreachable

Well drat! I had missed this important part about naming the node! :man_facepalming:

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I had the same problem. It seems worth adding to the original guide.

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Hopefully y’all remember but do you recall what convention the node name has to follow at all?

Read over the linked docs but neither seem to mention anything about node names anymore and maybe have been updated since this thread…

I believe this is what you are looking for? Clustering Your Application · Fly Docs

Turns out the node names now include the release ref, the now look like export RELEASE_NODE="${FLY_APP_NAME}-${FLY_IMAGE_REF##*-}@${FLY_PRIVATE_IP}"

The easiest way I’ve found to get this is ssh in to the machine, bin/your_app romote, and Node.self

Good luck

PS Fly.io it might be time to update your docs