Tigris Billing for inbound data from Fly→Tigris

Hi there! I am migrating a Cloudflare R2 bucket with about 4 TB over to Tigris archived storage. From what I understood, I would not be billed for data transfer from fly into Tigris.

Currently, I am using fly machines with rclone to migrate the data, and it appears I am being billed in Fly for the outbound data transfer. Am I missing something?

I’m interested in this too, as I plan to do potentially frequent Fly Machine → Tigris data transfers, and I want to be sure the docs are right and I won’t be billed for this traffic. I’ll keep an eye on it :eyes:

Hey thanks for bringing this to our attention. It is the intention that Fly.io Machines => Tigris buckets in the same org are free for data transfer.

My tests confirm this, but our networking team is also discussing a bug that may relate to what you’re seeing.

We’ll update here as we learn more.

Hey can y’all reach out on our billing@fly.io email - please reference this post and/or myself and we can figure out how to proceed.

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