Terraform machine creation 500

I am getting 500/503 errors trying to create machines with the TF provider. It works fine if I use the api directly, so it does not seem to be an API issue like indicated (unless there is some bad setting). All of the other resources in my TF file are created just fine.

With 0.0.20 I get:

│ Error: Failed to create machine
│   with fly_machine.firescroll["ewr__rg1"],
│   on main.tf line 56, in resource "fly_machine" "firescroll":
│   56: resource "fly_machine" "firescroll" {
│ Create request failed: 503 Service Unavailable, &{ID: Name: State: Region: InstanceID: PrivateIP: Config:{Env:map[] Init:{Exec:[] Entrypoint:[]
│ Cmd:[]} Image: Metadata:<nil> Restart:{Policy:} Services:[] Mounts:[] Guest:{CPUKind: Cpus:0 MemoryMb:0}} ImageRef:{Registry: Repository: Tag:
│ Digest: Labels:{}} CreatedAt:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC}


│ Error: Failed to create machine
│   with fly_machine.firescroll["ewr__rg1"],
│   on main.tf line 56, in resource "fly_machine" "firescroll":
│   56: resource "fly_machine" "firescroll" {
│ Create request failed: 503 Service Unavailable, {"error":"server returned a non-200 status code: 500"}


# main.tf
terraform {
  required_providers {
    fly = {
      source  = "fly-apps/fly"
      version = "0.0.21"

provider "fly" {
  useinternaltunnel    = true
  internaltunnelorg    = "personal"
  internaltunnelregion = "ewr"

resource "fly_app" "app" {
  name = "firescroll-test" #Replace this with your own app name
  org  = "personal"

resource "fly_ip" "exampleIp" {
  app        = fly_app.app.name
  type       = "v4"
  depends_on = [fly_app.app]

// https://www.daveperrett.com/articles/2021/08/19/nested-for-each-with-terraform/
locals {
  regions = ["ewr"]
  # , "arn", "atl", "bog", "bos", "cdg", "den", "dfw", "ams", "eze", "gdl", "gig", "gru", "hkg", "iad", "jnb", "lax", "lhr", "mad", "mia", "nrt", "ord", "otp", "qro", "scl", "sea", "sin", "sjc", "syd", "waw", "yul", "yyz"]
  replica_groups = [
    # , "rg2", "rg3"

  # Nested loop over both lists, and flatten the result.
  consumers = distinct(flatten([
    for region in local.regions : [
      for replica_group in local.replica_groups : {
        region        = region
        replica_group = replica_group

resource "fly_volume" "vol" {
  for_each = { for entry in local.consumers : "${entry.region}__${entry.replica_group}" => entry }
  name     = each.key
  app      = fly_app.app.name
  size     = 50
  region   = each.value.region

resource "fly_machine" "firescroll" {
  for_each = { for entry in local.consumers : "${entry.region}__${entry.replica_group}" => entry }

  app    = fly_app.app.name
  region = each.value.region
  name   = "fs-${each.key}"
  image  = "ghcr.io/firescroll:v0.1.3"
  services = [
      ports = [
          port     = 80
          handlers = ["http"]
      "protocol" : "tcp",
      "internal_port" : 8190
  cpus     = 4
  memorymb = 8192
  cputype = "performance"
  mounts = [{
    path   = "/var/firescroll/dbs"
    volume = fly_volume.vol[each.key].id
  env = {
    DEBUG         = 1
    PRETTY        = 1
    NAMESPACE     = "testns"
    REPLICA_GROUP = "testrg"
    INSTANCE_ID   = "testinstance"
    PARTITIONS    = 3
    KAFKA_SEEDS   = "xxx"
  depends_on = [fly_app.app, fly_volume.vol]

Actually HTTP seems to be failing, I think it might be the image…

Yep I needed ghcr.io/danthegoodman1/firescroll:v0.1.3 for the image… got a 504 timeout when creating with the API, perhaps a better error is needed

With the fixed image it worked

hey @danthegoodman, we were alerted to the 5xx responses and are looking for how to better account for this error condition.

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