Terraform: Apps for machines must be created via the Machines API

Using terraform I’m receiving this error, “Apps for machines must be created via the Machines API”.

I’m guessing it may be because of the news regarding Fly Apps on Machine and if so, is it possible to temporarily allow both Apps v1 and Apps v2 to be applied to machines until the terraform provider can catch up? And if not it would be helpful to know so I can find a temporary new way to deploy in the meantime. I know I’m using some experimental stuff here so to be expected :slight_smile:

This began happening with the flyctl version update from 0.0.473 -> v0.0.474 .

I created an issue here: Apps for machines must be created via the Machines API but the provider is creating Apps using v1 nomad way · Issue #161 · fly-apps/terraform-provider-fly · GitHub

I just ran into this so I may be making some rash assumptions here. If this clears up I’ll update here.

This is working now after waiting just a bit! Maybe just false alarm.

This was a bug I accidentally deployed and rolled back in our API. Sorry about that.

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No problem at all. Honestly it’s all been really amazing to work with!

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