Terminal flyctl not updating?

For whatever reason, when I try to deploy my app, it always tells me that I need to update, so I run “flyctl version update.” However, even though the progress bar appears to make it across the screen through the curl update command, fly still appears to be on the previous version. Anyone have any ideas on why this is happening? I’m currently on ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and I initially installed fly through the “curl -L https://fly.io/install.sh | sh” command.

The most likely explanation is that you have an old flyctl (0.0.462) in a location in your PATH that’s before /home/prtatey28/.fly/bin (or you may not have /home/prtatey28/.fly/bin in your path).

To check where the old flyctl is, try which flyctl.

Once you find it you can:

  • Delete it
  • Ensure /home/prtatey28/.fly/bin is in your path (usually done in ~/.bashrc).
  • Move the newly-downloaded version to a location already in your path (I like /usr/local/bin).
  • Other possibilities… this highly depends on your setup.
  • Daniel

Okay, so i found the old version and was able to delete it through the terminal. My question though is what do you mean by path? Should I just run the same curl command again and see if that works or no?

I mean PATH :slight_smile:

  • Daniel