Fly Supabase pricing makes little sense as Fly Postgres managed replacement due to tight “egress” traffic limits. Apparently, Fly Supabase charges traffic to your own Supabase machines as “egress” - while I believe Fly Postgress’s traffic (to Fly VMs) would be unmetered.
I had a small app that required certain micro-batch ETL (ETL runs on Fly VM) and it consumed the Free Tier’s 5GB in a matter of 3 days even on very small amounts of dummy data. Pro Tier’s 250GB would also be gone within a month easily as the real app’s usage begins.
@Fly team - as you extend their partnership and integration with Supabase, do you plan any kind of better solution to Supabase ↔ Fly (inside same org) traffic metering, or it will follow the existing same mode (all traffic metered and charged)?
Making a decision right now whether to proceed with Fly Postgres or Supabase.