Supabase egress pricing is ridiculous

Fly Supabase pricing makes little sense as Fly Postgres managed replacement due to tight “egress” traffic limits. Apparently, Fly Supabase charges traffic to your own Supabase machines as “egress” - while I believe Fly Postgress’s traffic (to Fly VMs) would be unmetered.

I had a small app that required certain micro-batch ETL (ETL runs on Fly VM) and it consumed the Free Tier’s 5GB in a matter of 3 days even on very small amounts of dummy data. Pro Tier’s 250GB would also be gone within a month easily as the real app’s usage begins.

@Fly team - as you extend their partnership and integration with Supabase, do you plan any kind of better solution to Supabase ↔ Fly (inside same org) traffic metering, or it will follow the existing same mode (all traffic metered and charged)?

Making a decision right now whether to proceed with Fly Postgres or Supabase.

Do you feel like you’ve got a pretty solid understanding of how to admin a cluster with repmgr? Because if anything goes wrong with your fly postgres you’ll need to.

Supabase does unified egress, you should be able to see a breakdown of the different types of egress on your org usage page (Supabase’s, not Fly’s) and get an idea of what is consuming more than you expected.

I haven’t delved much into this but I suspect it’s the WAL-G continuous stream to S3 for backups since it goes out of Fly and into AWS.

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