Sudden high steal and throttling on machine

My app on a shared machine started seeing throttling and high steal percentages. What’s the best way to approach this? Is the only recovery approach to delete the machine and re-allocate my app to a machine that isn’t so busy?

Refer to this thread for details on the planned changes to shared CPU performance that finished rolling out a few hours ago: CPU Quotas Update

In short, reducing your CPU utilization under the ‘baseline’ (by adding more instances, scaling to more vCPUs or reducing the overall workload), or updating the instance type from shared to performance should reduce the steal and throttling percentages. Another option is to leave it running as-is, if your machine is still behaving okay despite the throttling limiting its performance.

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Ah I just found that thread at the same time and was about to post.

Ok, understood. I hadn’t realized that my app was behaving badly and will look into my options.

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