We’re using the “Subscribe to updates” feature on https://status.flyio.net/ to pipe status updates into our Slack. The recent Machines API incident doesn’t seem to have come through:
I checked our notification settings, we’ve got every component ticked except for “JavaScript Edge Hosting”.
We’ve received status updates notifications in the past - wonder if this is specific to the recent status update, maybe there isn’t a component for the new Machines API?
Hi @rohitpaulk, thanks for letting us know about this! Your guess was correct- since we don’t have a component for the Machines API, when we created this incident we didn’t mark any component, so notifications didn’t get sent even to those that have subscribed to everything.
Sorry for the inconvenience, we’ll set up a Machines component and try to get status notifications sent properly next time! (Not that we hope this incident repeats itself, mind you )