I am just now trying Fly.io and had an app running on Heroku that I wanted to move over as a test. I seem to have every thing up and going but the storage. Anytime I try to upload an image it crashes. I see its been changed to Tirges from Amazon and shows the ENV keys. Im not sure if I am missing something or what. Any help is appreciated.
Hi, Brandon,
Please write an email with details to help@tigrisdata.com, so we can help you resolve the issue.
You can include:
- Bucket name
- Object key you trying to write
- Other relevant information about your setup and error you are seeing.
Thank you for the reply. I think I figured out that it is uploading, but I think maybe its trying to access it before its finished or something. When I upload it should go to the images path but it errors out (the something went wrong page). If I go home and then go to the images it shows its created but takes a bit before the image shows up. It doesnt do this on Heroku though. Does that make sense?
If I understand correctly:
- Image upload is successful. No error reported.
- When the image is read back immediately you get an error?
- and if you wait for some time the image read is successful?
Let me know if that what you are seeing?
Please share the bucket name so we can check internally if there are errors reported for your bucket.
Yes, so I have what I call slides. When I create a new one once I hit save it goes to a something went wrong page, I then have to change the url. I have a page that shows all of the slides, to see the latest one I have to refresh the page once or twice. The same thing happens when I try to destroy a slide as well. On Heroku it is working just fine no issues using Amazon S3 for storage. I believe the bucket name is mysldieshowbucket