Static Site: No Server Possible?

Hey everyone,

Is it possible to host static sites without needing a server ala Cloudflare Pages? Wasn’t able to find any definitive documentation either way.


I don’t believe so. You would need a VM (machine) to deploy the site to. That would work.

The other approach (maybe) would be to use the sibling service called Tigris. iit runs on Fly. It’s the equivalent of AWS S3:

In theory (not tried this) … you could upload your static site to that, and make the bucket public (of course you only want to let people read to access your site’s files) :thinking:

But you would need to see if there is the equivalent to e.g set an index document. Since people will type e.g / and not /index.html. This kind of thing:

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We don’t have the equivalent to having the index document yet but otherwise Tigris can be used to host static assets and you wouldn’t need a CDN with it.

We will be adding the index document feature soon.


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