Spring Boot

Please provide documentation or guide for deploying Spring Boot apps

Pretty sure there is no scanner in flyctl for java/spring boot apps and I haven’t deployed a JVM app since using Clojure in 2012-2015 so take this for what it is :smiley:

Just write a Dockerfile as you normally would to dockerize your app, regardless of Fly.io, and them make sure to map the correct port so that your app port, the port specified in the Dockerfile and the port in the fly.toml match.

Then fly deploy as usual, fly will pick up your Dockerfile, build it and deploy it.

Or you can build the docker image locally on your machine and then push that to fly (fly deploy --local-only)

Thanks for the reply. I’ve got to the point of getting the app deployed but running into issues with redirects when trying to access the app via browser. I’m trying to find the right combination of app and Fly config to get things working.

In any case, I’m curious why there’s no guide for Java/Spring apps but there is for numerous other languages and frameworks. I’m a fan of Fly and would be open to contributing a guide if possible.

That would be most appreciated!

I haven’t done much java work for approximately 20 years, but would be glad to help.

If spring boot applications don’t typically start out with a Dockerfile, and you have an idea of what a Dockerfile for such an application should look like, we can fix that first. Scanners are run sequentially until one matches, and then templates are used to produce the content. Scanners are written in go, and if you can describe how to detect a spring boot application, and provide a template, I’ll test it and merge the change.

doc are also open source, and I can help test and merge changes proposed there too.