[sjc] Outbound connections are failing since yesterday 1/15

My sjc-based Rails app has been having issues connecting to external services (incl. our database). This flared up yesterday 1/15 around 2000 UTC time:

Faraday::ConnectionFailed: Failed to open TCP connection to heapanalytics.com:443 (execution expired)

Net::OpenTimeout: Timeout to open TCP connection to smtp.sparkpostmail.com:587 (exceeds 5 seconds)

Can’t connect to server on ‘’

I read on the status page that there were networking issues in sjc datacenter on 1/11, but the issue claimed to be resolved. is this still an issue?

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Temporarily resolved by shifting app workers to lax region. Maybe good reminder to add outbound TCP checks as part of the app healthcheck. Hoping to get some sort of comms about this from Fly.

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