The error happens when calling the store method from Sidekiq-status.
For example, in Rails console:
include Sidekiq::Worker
include Sidekiq::Status::Worker
store(a: 3)
Exception object expected
However, the app is working just fine on Heroku with its builtin Redis addon, and it’s also fine on with Avien Redis. Therefore I assume there must be something wrong when interacting with Upstash Redis.
I tried a million combinations but none worked. I ended up going with self-hosting Redis on, following the guide from you in another thread. It finally worked but the process was really cumbersome. I wish there could be an easy way to add addons like Heroku.
By the way, how does the pricing work if I have three things in the Procfile (web, sidekiq and redis)? It’s a bit confusing.
This issue was reported on Upstash Discord channel before (see Discord) and fix is being deployed to all regions gradually. It will be deployed to in a few days hopefully.