Service Interruption message since 24+ hours ago

This message popped up over a day ago affecting a few of my apps.

We are performing emergency maintenance on a host some of your apps instances are running on. Apps may be unavailable until the maintenance is completed.

Service interruptions caused by host issues can take a while to resolve.
You don’t have to wait : Learn how to recover and move away from an unresponsive host.

Otherwise status is all OK.

I’m aware that this problem can occur with apps that aren’t scaled. Just hoping for some insight into the timeframe of “can take a while to resolve” whether that’s hours or days or longer, if I can do anything on my end to help, etc.

It’s been over 3 days and this message won’t go away. How long should I expect to wait before this is resolved? At this point I feel I need to move to a different hosting service

have your apps been having actual problems since then or it’s just the message that is annoying and not going away?

if the former then moving apps as suggested in the linked doc page should resolve them (quick and painless if no volumes are involved, a bit more steps to follow if volumes are indeed involved)

Yes one of the apps is down while the other one seems to be OK at least as of yesterday.

Hi @slammayjammay,

In general, we can’t provide a reliable ETA on how long emergency host maintenance will take to resolve, because the causes can vary a great deal. Sometimes a quick hard-reboot of the server is all that’s needed and things are running again in an hour, other times we need to order replacement parts for a hardware failure which can take a few days or weeks (depending on the specific part, and regional availability), and in some cases the server is unrecoverable and needs to be eventually decommissioned entirely.

In your Machine’s case the server had a fan failure, we don’t have a firm ETA but it may take a number of days (possibly a week) to replace. You can add a new machine to your app if you don’t want to wait for the original to recover.

Got it that makes sense, thanks for the info.

Well it turned out following that linked doc fixed the issue so I feel pretty silly.

fly scale count 0
fly scale count 1

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