Segmentation fault no matter what i have in my Dockerfile


ubuntu:latest doesnā€™t work as well

Any update about this yet? Donā€™t want to seem pushy, just checking in if thereā€™s new info!

We had to delay our host kernel upgrade maintenance the other day because we found another issue.

Weā€™ve implemented a fix for this other issue and are still observing.

We should be able to reschedule the host kernel upgrade maintenance soon and it should fix this segmentation fault issue.


Can I hijack this thread to ask you how to spin up a plain olā€™ ubuntu instance on fly (that I can ssh into?)

Right now Iā€™m getting Failed due to unhealthy allocations on deploy, presumably because my container exits and doesnā€™t wait for any incoming SSH connections.

2022-07-08T19:03:52Z   [info]2022/07/08 19:03:52 listening on [fdaa:0:6cb4:a7b:23c6:6cf7:258a:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)
2022-07-08T19:03:53Z   [info]Main child exited normally with code: 0
2022-07-08T19:03:53Z   [info]Starting clean up.
--> v3 failed - Failed due to unhealthy allocations - no stable job version to auto revert to and deploying as v4

Is there a recommended way of doing this on fly?

For the record, I want to spin up an Ubuntu instance to test connecting to my redis app on using an .internal address!

Try putting CMD ["sleep", "infinity"] at the end of your Dockerfile. And put an empty [[services]] block in fly.toml.


This worked. Thank you!

@technillogue @ryansch @codearchitect @merlin weā€™ve upgraded our hosts today and using these images should now work everywhere.


I just shipped a phx app with:

ARG BUILDER_IMAGE="hexpm/elixir:1.13.4-erlang-25.0.2-ubuntu-jammy-20220428"
ARG RUNNER_IMAGE="ubuntu:jammy-20220428"