Scaling memory in multiple processes does not work

I wrote them in the post I linked above but here again:

❯ fly scale show
VM Resources for visualizer
        VM Size: shared-cpu-1x
      VM Memory: 256 MB
          Count: web=1 worker=1
 Max Per Region: web=0 worker=0

❯ flyctl scale memory 512 --group web
Scaled VM Memory size to 512 MB
      CPU Cores: 1
         Memory: 512 MB

❯ fly scale show
VM Resources for visualizer
        VM Size: shared-cpu-1x
      VM Memory: 256 MB
          Count: web=1 worker=1
 Max Per Region: web=0 worker=0

And just to reiterate: this also happens when I do it via the online Dashboard. No matter what I choose and submit, when I refresh the page I’m back to 256.

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