Scale to all regions

I deployed a SQLite replication demo app to 4 regions but I just added the remaining 16 listed here: Regions

It largely worked but I received an error when creating a volume in atl:

$ fly volumes create --region atl --size 1 data
Error region atl not found

Also, a couple regions are deploying (fra, hkg, lax). Maybe I have the wrong setting somewhere?

$ fly status
  Name     = litestream-read-replica-demo          
  Owner    = personal                              
  Version  = 21                                    
  Status   = running                               
  Hostname =  

4475d87a	app    	21     	syd   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
4fa6a37e	app    	21     	sjc   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
de86af09	app    	21     	scl   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
c35d65bd	app    	21     	cdg   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
8b30957d	app    	21     	sea   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
ba3342be	app    	21     	ewr   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
8e17f007	app    	21     	iad   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
f0994a2a	app    	21     	dfw   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
107da335	app    	21     	ord   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
457f7040	app    	21     	ams   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
7b915e4a	app    	21     	lhr   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
ec7206b4	app    	21     	yyz   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
52cf9e90	app    	21     	nrt   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
abed8fdb	app    	21     	maa   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
25139038	app    	21     	gru   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	
e8bbef5f	app    	21     	sin   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	6m10s ago	

They do have volumes created for them:

$ fly volumes list
vol_53q80vd8ngk4gzy6	data	1GB 	yyz   	186e	ec7206b4   	12 minutes ago	
vol_70zy6r7qmp1vdjng	data	1GB 	syd   	af82	4475d87a   	12 minutes ago	
vol_w0enxv3ypwm48okp	data	1GB 	sin   	0417	e8bbef5f   	12 minutes ago	
vol_k0o6d4239n0r87gy	data	1GB 	sea   	6e12	8b30957d   	12 minutes ago	
vol_1g67340gj19rydxw	data	1GB 	scl   	2e7d	de86af09   	12 minutes ago	
vol_g2yxp4mlm93v63qd	data	1GB 	maa   	aed0	abed8fdb   	12 minutes ago	
vol_5podq4qp7dgvg8w1	data	1GB 	lhr   	805e	7b915e4a   	12 minutes ago	
vol_mjn924oq2lqv03lq	data	1GB 	lax   	bf73	           	12 minutes ago	
vol_2n0l9vl2qkpr635d	data	1GB 	iad   	7adf	8e17f007   	12 minutes ago	
vol_jlgz1vpz3ok478m3	data	1GB 	hkg   	21b2	           	12 minutes ago	
vol_3xme14982wzvowpl	data	1GB 	gru   	eb5d	25139038   	12 minutes ago	
vol_6d7xkrkyow24w2q9	data	1GB 	fra   	e79a	           	12 minutes ago	
vol_02gk9vw2z79v76wm	data	1GB 	ewr   	262d	ba3342be   	12 minutes ago	
vol_x915grnyg914n70q	data	1GB 	dfw   	e163	f0994a2a   	13 minutes ago	
vol_ke628r6pq1qvwmnp	data	1GB 	cdg   	7856	c35d65bd   	13 minutes ago	
vol_g2yxp4mlmndv63qd	data	1GB 	ams   	ac80	457f7040   	22 hours ago  	
vol_6d7xkrkyo7k4w2q9	data	1GB 	sjc   	c0a5	4fa6a37e   	23 hours ago  	
vol_k0o6d423je8r87gy	data	1GB 	ord   	9899	107da335   	1 day ago     	
vol_1g67340gjkmrydxw	data	1GB 	nrt   	0e0f	52cf9e90   	22 hours ago  	

atl is going away, so we’ve disabled new volume creation there (use mia instead!).

lax is having some network issues because the physical world intruded: Status - Intermittent network issues in LAX

The lax problem may actually be interfering with finishing the deployment. Can you try removing lax and then fly scale count <num> to however many regions are left?

Thanks, Kurt. I removed atl and lax and set fly scale count 18. Looks like hkg and fra are still not up yet though.

I think this is fixed, there was some blockage from the weird lax stuff. lax should be working again, too!