I have an Elixir app which has more than one release_command
to run (seeds and migrations). I tried to concat my three commands using “&&” but that does not work. When I am doing in on the machine itself via ssh console
it works though.
Any ideas?
Unfortunately docs don’t have a section about release command unless the part in the Elixir guide.
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You can create a bash script that runs your other commands. The flyctl source has an example: flyctl/example at master · superfly/flyctl · GitHub
Hey @mathiasn how are you running your seeds in there? Can you share an example of how your release script looks like please? I need to do the same here.
Sure. I have a rel/overlays/release.sh
with the following content basically
#!/usr/bin/env sh
/app/bin/my_app eval 'MyApp.Release.migrate'
/app/bin/my_app eval 'MyApp.Release.seed(Elixir.MyApp.Repo, "seeds.exs")'
In my fly.toml
is a section like this
release_command = "sh release.sh"
THat’s it
Thanks @mathiasn ! That helped a lot!
Does the release.sh needs to be under rel/overlays/
though? Because I see you’re invoking it in the fly.toml without its path.
I’m asking because I tried leaving my script on the root folder and under rel/overlays and I’m getting sh: 0: cannot open release_command.sh: No such file