Starting on July 1st, we’re breaking down pricing for Machines, including additional RAM, by region.
For as long as we’ve offered Machines in multiple regions, we’ve had a flat price. If you gave us $0.00000075, we’d run you a shared-1x-256mb
Machine for one second in São Paolo, London, Tokyo, you name it.
When we launched Machines, we opted for one consistent price across all regions. This was mostly due to billing system constraints (our billing system has been hot garbage for most of the life of the company).
The underlying infrastructure costs vary wildly between regions, though. Taxes, energy cost, suspicious “fees” to get servers through customs. All kinds of weirdo variables. Did you know it costs us twice as much to rack a server in São Paulo?
When we were starting out, it made sense to normalize pricing across all our regions. But at the scale we’re at now, it doesn’t. We’d rather be transparent and give you control about where to place workloads than raise prices everywhere to account for colo costs in Mumbai.
So we are implementing per region machine pricing. Which means the price for machines in many regions is going up.
We’re going to ease y’all into this over the next four months. Your July invoice will have per region line items, but no pricing changes.
In August, we’ll start changing prices. Specifically, we’ll adjust the price in each region by 25% of the difference between the current price and the final price for that region. In September, we’ll adjust by a further 25%, and so on until November, when the prices will settle at their final price.
If you’re finding that confusing to follow, there’s a worked example here in the pricing docs.
While we’re on the topic, we’ve updated the pricing docs so you can now select a region and the Started Fly Machines pricing table will update itself to show the region-specific prices.
Finishing out with a quick housekeeping notice. Some of you may have seen that your Machines Shared CPU 1x
usage was not being paid off by your Free Machines Allowance credit. This was a bug that we’ve tracked down and fixed. We’re having to reissue everyones credits to fully rectify, which may take anywhere from several hours to a day or so - bear with us on that!