Recover a volume after removing from mounts in toml

Are there backups of a volume, we accidentally removed the mount section of our toml file, and it seems the volume on our app ten-production was automatically deleted (8 days ago)?

Any chance we can restore it?


@matthewford Looks like there’s a snapshot available from July 10th. I’ll go ahead and issue a restore for you.

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Thanks for that @shaun would you also be able to do the ten_staging_volume on ten-staging?

@matthewford it looks like the ten_staging_volume was deleted on July 7th, so we no longer have backups for it. We keep backups for 7 days after a volume is deleted.

I found the API log for both that and ten_staging, for what it’s worth. They were deleted by another user on the org.

Ok no worries, thanks I can replicate the other volume

Out of interest, how long does the restore typically take?

This one is taking forever since it was an encrypted volume. We’re working on recovering the volume encryption key so we can get it restored, but this isn’t an automated process. It’s possible it’s going to take ~24 hours.

@kurt thanks, no worries.

@kurt @shaun Hi, would it be possible to get an ETA on the restore?



Hi @matthewford

Sorry for the wait, I have chased this up for you and you should have received an email response.

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