I have a rails 5 app wants to deploy, I’ve follow youtube video and other fails to deploy topics on Fly.io, but i still can’t fix the problem, also I’m a rookie for rails, so pls help me out
fly deploy
==> Verifying app config
Validating C:\Users\COSH\Desktop\rails_functions\fly.toml
Platform: machines
✓ Configuration is valid
→ Verified app config
==> Building image
Remote builder fly-builder-little-lake-4194 ready
==> Creating build context
→ Creating build context done
==> Building image with Docker
→ docker host: 20.10.12 linux x86_64
Sending build context to Docker daemon 37.97kB
[+] Building 59.3s (15/23)
=> [internal] load remote build context 0.0s
=> copy /context / 0.0s
=> resolve image config for docker.io/docker/dockerfile:1 1.9s
=> CACHED docker-image://docker.io/docker/dockerfile:1@sha256:39b85bbfa7536a5feceb7372a0817649ecb2724562a38360f4 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for Docker 0.6s
=> [base 1/5] FROM Docker 0.0s
=> CACHED [base 2/5] WORKDIR /rails 0.0s
=> CACHED [base 3/5] RUN gem update --system --no-document && gem install -N bundler 0.0s
=> CACHED [base 4/5] RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y curl && rm -rf 0.0s
=> CACHED [base 5/5] RUN curl -sL https://github.com/nodenv/node-build/archive/master.tar.gz | tar xz -C /tmp/ & 0.0s
=> CACHED [stage-2 1/4] RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y libsqlite3-0 po 0.0s
=> CACHED [stage-2 2/4] RUN useradd rails --home /rails --shell /bin/bash 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 1/9] RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y build-essential l 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 2/9] COPY --link Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./ 0.0s
=> ERROR [build 3/9] RUN bundle install && bundle exec bootsnap precompile --gemfile && rm -rf ~/.bundl 56.6s[build 3/9] RUN bundle install && bundle exec bootsnap precompile --gemfile && rm -rf ~/.bundle/ $BUNDLE_PATH/ruby//cache $BUNDLE_PATH/ruby//bundler/gems/*/.git:
#15 0.431 Bundler 2.4.12 is running, but your lockfile was generated with 2.1.4. Installing Bundler 2.1.4 and restarting using that version.
#15 1.426 Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
#15 1.465 Fetching bundler 2.1.4
#15 1.539 Installing bundler 2.1.4
#15 2.741 Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/…
#15 4.425 Fetching rake 13.0.6
#15 4.456 Installing rake 13.0.6
#15 4.503 Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.2.2
#15 4.526 Installing concurrent-ruby 1.2.2
#15 4.575 Fetching i18n 1.12.0
#15 4.588 Installing i18n 1.12.0
#15 4.606 Fetching minitest 5.18.0
#15 4.621 Installing minitest 5.18.0
#15 4.637 Fetching thread_safe 0.3.6
#15 4.654 Installing thread_safe 0.3.6
#15 4.679 Fetching tzinfo 1.2.11
#15 4.723 Installing tzinfo 1.2.11
#15 4.765 Fetching activesupport
#15 4.792 Installing activesupport
#15 4.868 Fetching builder 3.2.4
#15 4.881 Installing builder 3.2.4
#15 4.894 Fetching erubi 1.12.0
#15 4.909 Installing erubi 1.12.0
#15 4.917 Fetching racc 1.6.2
#15 4.933 Installing racc 1.6.2 with native extensions
#15 5.726 Fetching nokogiri 1.14.3 (x86_64-linux)
#15 5.867 Installing nokogiri 1.14.3 (x86_64-linux)
#15 6.107 Fetching rails-dom-testing 2.0.3
#15 6.123 Installing rails-dom-testing 2.0.3
#15 6.134 Fetching crass 1.0.6
#15 6.151 Installing crass 1.0.6
#15 6.159 Fetching loofah 2.20.0
#15 6.173 Installing loofah 2.20.0
#15 6.184 Fetching rails-html-sanitizer 1.5.0
#15 6.198 Installing rails-html-sanitizer 1.5.0
#15 6.207 Fetching actionview
#15 6.225 Installing actionview
#15 6.262 Fetching rack
#15 6.282 Installing rack
#15 6.312 Fetching rack-test 2.1.0
#15 6.326 Installing rack-test 2.1.0
#15 6.336 Fetching actionpack
#15 6.364 Installing actionpack
#15 6.412 Fetching nio4r 2.5.9
#15 6.431 Installing nio4r 2.5.9 with native extensions
#15 9.163 Fetching websocket-extensions 0.1.5
#15 9.178 Installing websocket-extensions 0.1.5
#15 9.184 Fetching websocket-driver 0.7.5
#15 9.217 Installing websocket-driver 0.7.5 with native extensions
#15 9.479 Fetching actioncable
#15 9.494 Installing actioncable
#15 9.514 Fetching globalid 1.1.0
#15 9.526 Installing globalid 1.1.0
#15 9.535 Fetching activejob
#15 9.548 Installing activejob
#15 9.578 Fetching mini_mime 1.1.2
#15 9.599 Installing mini_mime 1.1.2
#15 9.620 Fetching date 3.3.3
#15 9.643 Installing date 3.3.3 with native extensions
#15 17.44 Fetching timeout 0.3.2
#15 17.46 Installing timeout 0.3.2
#15 17.47 Fetching net-protocol 0.2.1
#15 17.48 Installing net-protocol 0.2.1
#15 17.49 Fetching net-imap 0.3.4
#15 17.51 Installing net-imap 0.3.4
#15 17.53 Fetching net-pop 0.1.2
#15 17.55 Installing net-pop 0.1.2
#15 17.56 Fetching net-smtp 0.3.3
#15 17.57 Installing net-smtp 0.3.3
#15 17.58 Fetching mail 2.8.1
#15 17.63 Installing mail 2.8.1
#15 17.71 Fetching actionmailer
#15 17.73 Installing actionmailer
#15 17.76 Fetching activemodel
#15 17.77 Installing activemodel
#15 17.93 Fetching arel 9.0.0
#15 17.94 Installing arel 9.0.0
#15 17.97 Fetching activerecord
#15 18.01 Installing activerecord
#15 18.08 Fetching marcel 1.0.2
#15 18.09 Installing marcel 1.0.2
#15 18.10 Fetching activestorage
#15 18.12 Installing activestorage
#15 18.14 Fetching bcrypt 3.1.18
#15 18.16 Installing bcrypt 3.1.18 with native extensions
#15 19.07 Fetching msgpack 1.7.0
#15 19.09 Installing msgpack 1.7.0 with native extensions
#15 23.05 Fetching bootsnap 1.16.0
#15 23.06 Installing bootsnap 1.16.0 with native extensions
#15 23.53 Using bundler 2.1.4
#15 23.53 Fetching chronic 0.10.2
#15 23.55 Installing chronic 0.10.2
#15 23.57 Fetching coffee-script-source 1.12.2
#15 23.59 Installing coffee-script-source 1.12.2
#15 23.60 Fetching execjs 2.8.1
#15 23.63 Installing execjs 2.8.1
#15 23.64 Fetching coffee-script 2.4.1
#15 23.66 Installing coffee-script 2.4.1
#15 23.66 Fetching method_source 1.0.0
#15 23.68 Installing method_source 1.0.0
#15 23.69 Fetching thor 1.2.1
#15 23.89 Installing thor 1.2.1
#15 23.91 Fetching railties
#15 23.94 Installing railties
#15 24.02 Fetching coffee-rails 4.2.2
#15 24.03 Installing coffee-rails 4.2.2
#15 24.04 Fetching orm_adapter 0.5.0
#15 24.06 Installing orm_adapter 0.5.0
#15 24.07 Fetching responders 3.1.0
#15 24.08 Installing responders 3.1.0
#15 24.09 Fetching warden 1.2.9
#15 24.11 Installing warden 1.2.9
#15 24.12 Fetching devise 4.9.2
#15 24.14 Installing devise 4.9.2
#15 24.18 Fetching duktape
#15 24.22 Installing duktape with native extensions
#15 40.59 Fetching ffi 1.15.5
#15 40.65 Installing ffi 1.15.5 with native extensions
#15 46.58 Fetching jbuilder 2.11.5
#15 46.60 Installing jbuilder 2.11.5
#15 46.62 Fetching pg 1.4.6
#15 46.64 Installing pg 1.4.6 with native extensions
#15 53.86 Fetching puma 3.12.6
#15 53.88 Installing puma 3.12.6 with native extensions
#15 55.42 Fetching sprockets 3.7.2
#15 55.44 Installing sprockets 3.7.2
#15 55.47 Fetching sprockets-rails 3.4.2
#15 55.48 Installing sprockets-rails 3.4.2
#15 55.49 Fetching rails
#15 55.51 Installing rails
#15 55.52 Fetching rb-fsevent 0.11.2
#15 55.53 Installing rb-fsevent 0.11.2
#15 55.55 Fetching rb-inotify 0.10.1
#15 55.56 Installing rb-inotify 0.10.1
#15 55.58 Fetching sass-listen 4.0.0
#15 55.60 Installing sass-listen 4.0.0
#15 55.61 Fetching sass 3.7.4
#15 55.64 Installing sass 3.7.4
#15 55.69 Fetching tilt 2.1.0
#15 55.71 Installing tilt 2.1.0
#15 55.72 Fetching sass-rails 5.1.0
#15 55.73 Installing sass-rails 5.1.0
#15 55.74 Fetching turbolinks-source 5.2.0
#15 55.76 Installing turbolinks-source 5.2.0
#15 55.76 Fetching turbolinks 5.2.1
#15 55.77 Installing turbolinks 5.2.1
#15 55.78 Fetching uglifier 4.2.0
#15 55.80 Installing uglifier 4.2.0
#15 55.82 Fetching whenever 1.0.0
#15 55.84 Installing whenever 1.0.0
#15 55.86 Bundle complete! 19 Gemfile dependencies, 73 gems now installed.
#15 55.86 Gems in the groups development and test were not installed.
#15 55.86 Bundled gems are installed into./vendor/bundle
#15 55.86 Post-install message from devise:
#15 55.86
#15 55.86 [DEVISE] Please review the [changelog] and [upgrade guide] for more info on Hotwire / Turbo integration.
#15 55.86
#15 55.86 [changelog] https://github.com/heartcombo/devise/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md
#15 55.86 [upgrade guide] How To: Upgrade to Devise 4.9.0 [Hotwire Turbo integration] · heartcombo/devise Wiki · GitHub
#15 55.86 Post-install message from sass:
#15 55.86
#15 55.86 Ruby Sass has reached end-of-life and should no longer be used.
#15 55.86
#15 55.86 * If you use Sass as a command-line tool, we recommend using Dart Sass, the new
#15 55.86 primary implementation: Sass: Install Sass
#15 55.86
#15 55.86 * If you use Sass as a plug-in for a Ruby web framework, we recommend using the
#15 55.86 sassc gem: GitHub - sass/sassc-ruby: Use libsass with Ruby!
#15 55.86
#15 55.86 * For more details, please refer to the Sass blog:
#15 55.86 https://sass-lang.com/blog/posts/7828841
#15 55.86
#15 56.53 bundler: failed to load command: bootsnap (/rails/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/bin/bootsnap)
#15 56.53 Gem::Exception: can’t find executable bootsnap for gem bootsnap. bootsnap is not currently included in the bundle, perhaps you meant to add it to your Gemfile?
#15 56.53 /rails/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/bundler-2.1.4/lib/bundler/rubygems_integration.rb:374:inblock in replace_bin_path' #15 56.53 /rails/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/bundler-2.1.4/lib/bundler/rubygems_integration.rb:402:in
block in replace_bin_path’
#15 56.53 /rails/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/bin/bootsnap:25:in `<top (required)>’
Error failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c bundle install && bundle exec bootsnap precompile --gemfile && rm -rf ~/.bundle/ $BUNDLE_PATH/ruby//cache $BUNDLE_PATH/ruby//bundler/gems/*/.git]: exit code: 1