So Im trying to host a python UDP server (that I have tested locally and know it works)
From everything ive seen online, ive done everything right up until this point, but i cant seem to connect to my server.
I will attach paste my fly.toml and procfile, and snips of my python. Also note, i do have an empty requirements.txt.
fly.toml -
app = "app-name"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = "5s"
auto_rollback = true
builder = "heroku/buildpacks:latest"
protocol = "udp"
internal_port = 5000
port = 5000
guest_path = "/app/public"
url_prefix = "/static/"
Procfile -
web: python
port = 5000
addr = "fly-global-services"
socket.bind((addr, port))
print('server is running')
After deploying my project with flyctl launch
, i get this:
This deployment will:
* create 2 "app" machines
No machines in group app, launching a new machine
Machine 1a1a111a11a111 [app] update finished: success
Creating a second machine to increase service availability
Machine 2a1a111a11a112 [app] update finished: success
Finished launching new machines
Updating existing machines in 'app-name' with rolling strategy
Finished deploying
When i run flyctl logs, i get back the print statement i put in my python script, and other indications that its running properly:
app[1a1a111a11a111] Pulling container image
app[1a1a111a11a111] Successfully prepared image
app[1a1a111a11a111] Starting init
app[1a1a111a11a111] Running server script
app[1a1a111a11a111] server is running
app[2a1a111a11a112] Pulling container image
app[2a1a111a11a112] Successfully prepared image
app[2a1a111a11a112] Starting init
app[2a1a111a11a112] Running server script
app[2a1a111a11a112] server is running
I have tried activating my ipv4 address though both the text prompt running flyctl launch in cmd:
Would you like to allocate a dedicated ipv4 address now? (y/n)
And running this command: flyctl ips allocate-v4
Is there something im missing?