Issue with UDP connection (simple test with netcat)


I’m trying to upgrade my Headscale on application to run Headscale’s embedded DERP server (PR). This requires a UDP connection on port 3478.

Since I couldn’t get it to work so far, I thought about going back to the basics and starting with a simplistic example that should work. So I created a new Fly app that just runs Alpine, listens on UDP port 5000, uses a dedicated IPv4 and I just use fly ssh console to run nc, and I still can’t get it to work.

app = "udp-test-app"
primary_region = "fra"

  image = "alpine"

  app = "sleep infinity"

  strategy = "immediate"

  processes = ["app"]
  internal_port = 5000
  protocol = "udp"
    port = 5000

  size = "shared-cpu-1x"

To start, I ran

  • fly apps create udp-test-app
  • fly deploy --ha=false
  • fly ips allocate-v4 -y

Then I run

$ fly ssh console
> nc -vvulp 5000 fly-global-services
listening on ...

And then locally in another terminal I run

❯ echo foo | nc -vvu <FLY_APP_IPv4> 5000
Connection to <FLY_APP_IPv4> 5000 port [udp/*] succeeded!

But nothing is actually received on the Fly side. If I change both fly-global-services and <FLY_APP_IPV4> to localhost and run the client nc command in another Fly ssh console session, it works.

What am I doing wrong, or how can I debug what’s wrong? Thanks!

Hi… This is might not be just you; this makes the third report of a glitch involving dedicated IP addresses in the past ~8 hours:

Are you able to see logs? (fly logs -a udp-test-app)

Added proxy, which is the closest we have to eBPF-based UDP forwarding, :bee:.

Yes I can see logs, though my app doesn’t currently spit out its own logs due to sleep infinity being the entrypoint.

2024-10-17T20:54:46Z runner[9080014f550938] fra [info]Pulling container image
2024-10-17T20:54:47Z runner[9080014f550938] fra [info]Successfully prepared image (708.319277ms)
2024-10-17T20:54:48Z runner[9080014f550938] fra [info]Configuring firecracker
2024-10-17T20:54:48Z app[9080014f550938] fra [info]2024-10-17T20:54:48.801806339 [01JAE45X0WXCD7ANW7T96QW9B1:main] Running Firecracker v1.7.0
2024-10-17T20:54:49Z app[9080014f550938] fra [info][    0.268591] PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found
2024-10-17T20:54:49Z app[9080014f550938] fra [info] INFO Starting init (commit: 04656915)...
2024-10-17T20:54:49Z app[9080014f550938] fra [info] INFO Preparing to run: `sleep infinity` as root
2024-10-17T20:54:49Z app[9080014f550938] fra [info] INFO [fly api proxy] listening at /.fly/api
2024-10-17T20:54:49Z runner[9080014f550938] fra [info]Machine created and started in 3.021s
2024-10-17T20:54:49Z app[9080014f550938] fra [info]2024/10/17 20:54:49 INFO SSH listening listen_address=[fdaa:a:6ac1:a7b:8a:ce2e:6551:2]:22 dns_server=[fdaa::3]:53
2024-10-17T20:55:00Z app[9080014f550938] fra [info]2024/10/17 20:55:00 INFO New SSH session email=my@email verified=true

I’ve retried the same steps today and it still won’t work. :thinking:

Hey there. I wrote our UDP support. It doesn’t depend on fly-proxy (the glitch earlier today was with Flycast, which is a proxy feature) and it doesn’t use our new dedicated IP addresses for outbound connections. UDP is routed entirely in-kernel in eBPF; that code hasn’t changed meaningfully in years.

I’ll look into this, but I just wanted real quick to make clear that nothing that has happened today (or in a long time, really) should be impacting UDP forwarding. Not saying something couldn’t be wrong!

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Are you sure this is the right nc command line? Your app needs to be listening on the fly-global-services app, not on any other address — the Linux kernel will respond with the wrong IPv4 address (and your client won’t see the response) unless you’re super explicit about it.

You can install tcpdump and do a tcpdump -nX -i eth0 udp to see if you’re getting incoming UDP packets.

(I’m still poking around at this.)


I spent 30 minutes looking into this and freaking out because my own copy of this app wasn’t working with UDP either; I verified our BPF maps on the worker server my Fly Machine was running on, did a 5 minute detour into how fly-proxy handles the flyio-debug:doit header when no TCP servers are lit up for an app (spoiler: it doesn’t work), found an AT&T Fiber Chicago routing issue (my packets are all going to Newark because AT&T and Comcast have colluded to make my life miserable), which Peter is looking into now (sorry Peter), isolated the weird EWR edge my UDP packets are hitting, did packet-level diagnostics there, couldn’t see my UDP packets, freaked out some more, then realized I was missing the -u in my client nc connection.

Once I added it, everything worked fine.

Again: not ruling out anything broken in your app. All I ran on the serverside was nc -l -u -p 5000 -s Note that I looked up fly-global-services and used the IP directly, because I don’t trust nc, which was written in the phlogiston era of network programming.

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