I get this error in the “Live Logs” but not in Grafana.
I’ve noticed other topics with the same issue but no solution.
I’m using node:20-bullseye-slim
with ca-certificates
installed for libSQL.
Any ideas?
I get this error in the “Live Logs” but not in Grafana.
I’ve noticed other topics with the same issue but no solution.
I’m using node:20-bullseye-slim
with ca-certificates
installed for libSQL.
Any ideas?
Can you help us help you? When asking questions like this you’ll want to provide as much context as possible, eg your Dockerfile, error trace, etc…
I will do my best without disclosing my full codebase.
I have no error in the backend, no error on the frontend, the error only happens in “Live Logs” from Fly.io dashboard, it doesn’t show up in Grafana from “Log Search” link on Fly.io dashboard.
My Dockerfile is literally the default one from the Docker generated one by Fly tooling (link), the only exception is adding ca-certificate
(see Issue).
I add it in both build
and base
Stack trace error: As explained, this is only showing up in Fly.io “Live Logs”.
It’s a Remix app using LibSQL (completely remote on Turso), everything works very well, just this annoying random logs.
There is no pattern regarding requests / time / etc. It shows up randomly in the logs, like currently my last 2 lines are this error with no request.
Can you share the Dockerfile? The link you provider is the template.
# syntax = docker/dockerfile:1
# Adjust NODE_VERSION as desired
FROM node:20-bullseye-slim as base
LABEL fly_launch_runtime="Remix/Prisma"
# RUN mkdir /app
# Set production environment
ENV NODE_ENV="production"
# Install pnpm
RUN npm install -g pnpm@$PNPM_VERSION
# Throw-away build stage to reduce size of final image
FROM base as build
# Install packages needed to build node modules
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y build-essential node-gyp openssl pkg-config python-is-python3 ca-certificates
# Install node modules
COPY --link package.json pnpm-lock.yaml ./
RUN pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --prod=false
# Generate Prisma Client
COPY --link prisma .
RUN npx prisma generate
# Copy application code
COPY --link . .
# Build application
RUN pnpm run build
# Remove development dependencies
RUN pnpm prune --prod
# Final stage for app image
FROM base
# Install packages needed for deployment
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y openssl sqlite3 ca-certificates && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists /var/cache/apt/archives
# Copy built application
COPY --from=build /app /app
# Entrypoint prepares the database.
ENTRYPOINT [ "/app/docker-entrypoint.js" ]
# Start the server by default, this can be overwritten at runtime
CMD [ "pnpm", "run", "start" ]
I don’t know if this will resolve the issue, but you install ca-certificates
but you never update them: update-ca-certificates
Also, you should lock down your node version, as minor
and patch
updates may contain breaking changes (nodejs had one last month)
Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it did not work.
Maybe use node v22.6.0
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