Hello! Since last night, my PG instance has been stuck on the started state as displayed in the Machines section. Some things I’ve tried are:
- Cloning the machine
- Killing the machine and restarting.
- Stopping the machine and restarting.
In the logs I only see a few lines repeating:
2022-10-28T15:00:05.026 app[e784939fdd4d83] iad [info] exporter | ERRO[1164] Error opening connection to database (postgresql://flypgadmin:PASSWORD_REMOVED@[fdaa:0:4497:a7b:9d36:fae8:6ce4:2]:5433/postgres?sslmode=disable): dial tcp [fdaa:0:4497:a7b:9d36:fae8:6ce4:2]:5433: connect: connection refused source="postgres_exporter.go:1658"
2022-10-28T15:00:05.976 app[e784939fdd4d83] iad [info] checking stolon status
2022-10-28T15:00:06.977 app[e784939fdd4d83] iad [info] checking stolon status
2022-10-28T15:00:07.977 app[e784939fdd4d83] iad [info] checking stolon status
2022-10-28T15:00:08.159 app[e784939fdd4d83] iad [info] sentinel | 2022-10-28T15:00:08.158Z WARN cmd/sentinel.go:276 no keeper info available {"db": "b4b53f58", "keeper": "21e03c52b0082"}
2022-10-28T15:00:08.161 app[e784939fdd4d83] iad [info] sentinel | 2022-10-28T15:00:08.160Z ERROR cmd/sentinel.go:1018 no eligible masters
2022-10-28T15:00:08.977 app[e784939fdd4d83] iad [info] checking stolon status