Hey, one of our postgres instances showing fine in fly status but in fly logs we have
2021-12-07T01:23:57.354 app[e47fdb51] syd [info] keeper | Is server running?
2021-12-07T01:23:57.354 app[e47fdb51] syd [info] keeper | 2021-12-07T01:23:57.353Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:843 failed to stop pg instance {"error": "error: exit status 1"}
2021-12-07T01:23:57.357 app[e47fdb51] syd [info] keeper | signal: interrupt
2021-12-07T01:23:57.976 app[e47fdb51] syd [info] Main child exited normally with code: 0
2021-12-07T01:23:57.978 app[e47fdb51] syd [info] Starting clean up.
2021-12-07T01:23:57.996 app[e47fdb51] syd [info] Umounting /dev/vdc from /data
restart does nothing